Monday, November 14, 2011

Quickwrite "Fences"

      Because I am an only child, my parents have always taken care of me and been in my business. Although I love my parents, I want to build a fence around myself. I need to do this in order to become more independent and so I don't have to rely on my parents for anything. I need to be at a point where I can honestly say I am a grown man, and I don't need anyone's help in order to support myself.
      I feel that I am generally a nice person, and I like to think that everyone has good intentions, but I know that this mind set will only bring me down in the long run.When I progress in life, there will always be people waiting on my downfall. I need to build a fence around myself so I will not negatively be affected by others. I need to keep certain important aspects of my life to myself so others will not be able to take advantage of any of my flaws.
   I also want to build a fence around all my loved ones. People who are my blood and people that I consider to be like my blood, only want to see me rise. These people will help me become victorious in life, even if I feel that I have reached my defeat. I want to close them in with fences, because I don't want any of them to fade away. These are people I cherish and love, people that will always be there whenever I need them.
A fence to black out all my enemies, so they will never be able to phase me.
   I also need to build a fence in order to protect me from my own bad habits. Procrastination, Smoking, Drinking, and other types of negative habits are all the bad things that I need to keep outside my fences. Keeping all my bad habits will bring me nothing but more stress and pain later on in my life.
  I also feel that I need to barricade myself from my own emotions. In past relationships, I often let my emotions control how I handled a situation, which often resulted me in having to endure more emotional strain. Sometimes, I have to let my brain control my actions, instead of letting my heart get in the way. Although every person wants to protect themselves from certain aspects of their lives, no one is capable of building every type of fence that they want.

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