Saturday, October 22, 2011

[FREE] Death, the end? Or a new beginning?

    Death, the inevitable ending point in any person's life. Although death is something that I fear, I am also somewhat intrigued by it. For some people, death is an escape from their own lives, because they feel that they are already living in hell and no longer wish to live. For others, death is their main fear, because they are not ready to say goodbye to their life. It can come at any moment in time, and there are thousands of things that can kill you. Its crazy how death is something that can be very horrific, but at the same time can be considered to be beautiful and the natural cycle of life.

    Not trying to sound like I'm all courageous, but I think everyone should be more enlightened on the idea of death. Sometimes I think to myself, what the hell is going to happen after I die? Will I end up in heaven, or hell? Will I be reincarnated, with no memory of my past life? Or will I just close my eyes, and see nothing but darkness for eternity. Basically anything can happen, but in my opinion, I think the human soul still moves on, even though they are no longer living inside a body.

   No matter how much money one makes, how beautiful they look, or how kind they are, everyone will die at some time. This just goes to show you that in the end, everyone is equal. Once a person dies, all aspects of their lives, doesn't matter anymore. Anything and everything that they ever knew, is no use to them. All a person will have after death, is their soul. Sorry If I'm sounding really negative or something, I just wanted to shine a little light on this topic haha.

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