Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Families of the fallen heroes.

      It is truly good to hear that the community is trying to help ease the emotional strain of the fallen hero's  families. I have an enormous amount of respect for all the soldiers that fight for our country. This video makes me look at the situation in many different point of views. If I needed to serve in the Middle East, I cannot begin to imagine how hard it would be to leave my loved ones. If one of my parents left me to fight in the war, I don't know how I would cope with it on a daily basis. To say goodbye to one of your parents, never knowing for sure when and ever your going to see them again. Imagine, the families of 6200 fallen soldiers are dealing with this problem.

      The war has ultimately changed the lives of thousands of people today. If a child loses a father figure, it will dramatically affect their life and the way they think. It is said in the video that the families of the fallen often fall into depression and other types of mixed emotions. All these fallen soldiers had hopes and wishes of going back home and continue raising their families, unfortunately none of those wishes came true. So the question arises, when will the country be in a state of peace?

     Although war is considered to be evil and always results in the loss of thousands of lives, it is inevitable. Families will continue to lose loved ones and will have to learn to deal with these never ending cycles of death. It upsets me to think about the wars will have to fight in the near future. Sooner or later, countries will have wars over drinking water. With our country stacked with endless amounts of debts to pay, and low economy, it makes sense to believe that the United States will continue to be at a state of war. Hopefully one day we will see days of peace.

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