Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RE] Alyssa's Random Thoughts

"Rewind to change something(s).
Pause to think about things.
Stop to all the happy moments.
Fast forward the most painful times in life."
This quote is from Alyssa's blog. I feel that sometimes, you do need a rewind, pause, stop, and fast forward button.
A rewind button, to relive all the good memories that I had and can barely remember. This might sound cowardly in some ways, but I feel that I would have probably changed a lot of things in the past that I could of done better in.
A Pause button, to have more time to do something.  To be able to have an unlimited amount of time to do homework, to study for a test, to set up for an event. Anything that requires a lot of time, I will have an unlimited amount of time to do.
A stop button, to be able to completely embrace a moment of happiness. 
A Fast Forward button, to have a peek of my own life within the next 10 years. To see if I was able to fulfill my dreams and goals.

When I read this blog entry, I think about the movie "Click". I can imagine how convenient it would be to have the power to time travel in the palm of my hand. It would be pretty damn cool to retake any tests I want. To pause time so I can save someone that is in danger. To rewind time so I can ask my grandfather all the questions I want. To fast forward time, to meet my future wife and kids. Life is short, but why is it that my life has just been a complete blurr for the past decade? I want to able to embrace some special moments of my life, instead of forgetting about them and letting them fade away as time goes on.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Sutherland says: "Meditate!" It's the best way to control your experience of time that I know of...

    Not that meditation can zoom you into the past to retake tests of course. But especially when you wrote: "A stop button, to be able to completely embrace a moment of happiness," I was thinking, one way of understanding meditation is just STOP for a moment and just BE, instead of always DOING stuff. And in happy moments, this makes the experience much more fulfilling.

    Another main point about meditation is that you start to get a new relationship with your past and your future...(Namely, you start getting used to the fact that the past and the future don't really exist except in our heads.) Living more in the present = living better!

    Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself. But I stand by my recommendation.
