Friday, October 14, 2011

[RE] Robert's Money

                                                   "Money, the object that many humans want."

     Damn, Robert couldn't have said it any better. What do I think about money? I think money makes the world go around. Many of our nation's problems are caused because the lack of money. Many people are living in poverty because of their lack of money. Money decides whether you live a lavish lifestyle, or the life of a bum. I'm sure many of you guys have heard the saying, "Money can't buy you happiness", well... they're wrong. Money is the key to get you whatever your heart desires. People die over money on a daily basis. Think about all the drug-related murders around the world, all connected to money in some way or sort. Even our education, we go to school in hopes of getting into a good college, which gives us the abilities and requirements to get a good job, in order to make a lot of money.

Its amazing to think about how much power money has over humans. It can make one's life feel like heaven, or completely destroy it. Money is the reason why families break apart, leaving more depressed children. It can determine which country wins in a war. Money gives you the ability to travel all around the world. Money is what helps a couple raise a healthy family. Money buys us the food that we eat on a daily basis. Basically, money is what gives all all the necessities we need to live a fulfilled and happy life.

Many people  do say that money cant buy happiness, and I completely respect their opinion. They use examples of celebrities that still fall into depression, even when they have loads of money to spend. I feel that people that don't have money to spare, tend to appreciate the value of money more than rich people.
From a "poor" person's point of view, money is the solution of all their problems. Although they are money hungry, they don't realize that having less money actually appreciate the little things in life. Rich people on the other hand, fall into depression because they take everything they have for granted. If you were to put a person living in poverty, in the life of a CEO, I bet he would think it was a dream come true. I guess thats just how the human mind works, once you get used to something, the value of the object in your mind begin to diminish.

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