Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/11 Changed life. (Current Events post)

So, 9-11 is coming up, so I wanted to do a video response post on a man who decided to join the emergency services after helping clean up the rubble from the 9-11 attack.

I would like to start off by saying that I am truly amazed that this man found a career path that he is passionate about, from such a horrible event. I give out my respect to the families who lost a loved one on 9/11. I believe that this country can never get enough people who dedicate their lives in helping and protecting others. Having more people like this man shown in the video will ultimately result in less lost of lives in our countries next casualty. This goes to show that even in the worse case scenarios, someone will benefit from this. Yes, 9/11 resulted in the lost of innocent lives, but it also helped people appreciate their own lives.

I also feel that life is very unpredictable. Not only speaking for the people who lost their lives on 9/11, but the man shown in this video as well. He was on the path to becoming an actor, and yet this event changed his whole career path, while also providing him with a new passion. It is people like this man that will save lives in the next catastrophe. Although it is depressing, casualties in the future is inevitable, but it is reassuring to know that there are people out there who really care about our lives. Knowing that people are willing to risk there own lives to save yours, gives you a sense of courage. I have a tremendous amount of respect for people who work to serve and protect the population.

I hope that the government tightens its security so we wont have to deal with any terrorist attacks again.

1 comment:

  1. hey i did a response to your blog. check it out:
