Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[FREE] Traveling

One of my biggest goals in life is to travel around the world. There are many reasons to why I want to travel the world. I find different cultures very interesting because they represent the different lifestyles of the human race. Although we are all humans living on Earth, our cultures are very different from each others.

Another reason why I want to travel the globe is because I love scenery. If I have a good view in front of me, I can easily clear my mind, it gives me a moment of peace. It enables me to get away from my world and think about my life. I would like to travel to Alaska and see the auroras in the night sky. Maybe even go to Hawaii, lay on the beach, and watch the sun set. I can list tons of places I want to visit, just to see the scenery.

I also wanted to try the different kinds of food around the world. Each different country you visit, they follow a different diet, and eat different kinds of food. Food is also a part of our culture. I want to taste all the different types of food around the world.

Although America will always be my home, I often find it boring to follow the same routine on a daily basis. Hopefully when I am older, I can move to a different country for a while, just to experience a different lifestyle than what I am used to. I want to have a chapter in my life(5-10 years) where I just travel to different continents every year and live different lifestyles. If I do this, I can honestly say that I lived a very fulfilled life.


  1. I responded to your post.

  2. hi i did a response post of this. click here to see it

  3. you are so popular. well i also responded to your post about traveling.
