Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Things I want to do before I die. (Free Post)

Alright, since this is a free post and I am allowed to write about anything that I want, I wanted to write about the things I wanted to do before I reach my inevitable death. Many people will tell you over exaggerated goals in there lives that they will probably never live to see. I tried to break all my goals down realistically.

First and foremost, I WILL make sure my parents live a lavish lifestyle, they have honestly worked hard to give me a good life and nothing I do can ever repay them back..... but I can try!
I want a nice sized house, a nice car, a beautiful wife, and beautiful children.
I want a job that I actually enjoy doing and not a job where I wake up in the morning and say "UGHH, work again!".
One of the things that I want to do is visit every continent in the world, I can honestly say I may find a passion in traveling the globe.
I also hope to skydive sometime in the next 5 years (although I'm scared of heights) just so I can get that adrenaline rush throughout my body.
This is obvious, but I want to reach a point in my life where I can say that I am truly happy, satisfied with many aspects of my life.
I want to have a circle with TRUE friends, people I can count on like family, people that would take care of my children if I wasn't able to for whatever reason. Ride or Die type friends.

This doesnt explain all of my life goals, but I guess you can say it is an outline. Hopefully I will be able to complete all these goals before my time.


  1. Do those continents include Antarctica? Just askin'.

    I really like the way you've chosen to open up this blog with what they call a "bucket list." I've never written one for myself, but maybe it's a good idea; certainly it lets us know a lot about who you are and what you value very quickly.

    Maybe I could sit here and try to get all "wisdom-y" on you about what the working world is really like and all that, but I'll refrain from commenting on your goals because it's mostly just nice to hear you voice them. Truly though, if you go back and look at these goals in even a FEW years, they may change. Get ready.

    Thanks for this one; it's a great start.

  2. Ahaha yes actually I wouldn't mind going to Antarctica. Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated.

  3. your post has become really popular! good stuff.

  4. I did a reponse post to this, KOKO! ;D

  5. Du

  6. HI KEVY! I did a response to this, btw you're next to me at atm :D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i responded to this post.
