Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] Dozens of bodies found in Eastern Mexico.

Wow, I cannot believe how horrific this incident is.

How can the drug cartels do something so horrific and evil to innocent people?  With the increase of demand for drugs, it makes sense that drug gang activity has also increased, which also resulted in the spark of the inevitable drug wars throughout Mexico. But why kill innocent people, what point can they possibly prove by doing this? If murdering 35 innocent people(including 2 minors) isn't bad enough, they just had to take it a step further by dumping them in a middle of a busy street in broad daylight? The men responsible for this should not be considered human, they are all animals.

All of the murdered had loved ones, this event did not only effect those families, but the whole community. Although many of the families now live with much anger in their hearts, there is no way to express it because they also live in fear of being killed. If I were to see a pile of 35 bodies in the middle of a street, I would either think I'm having a nightmare, or I'm living in hell. I cannot begin to imagine the amount of anger that many residents of Mexico are feeling. I think it is about time for the Mexican government to completely crack down on the drug cartels. How can any Mexican resident live with a peace of mind knowing that they have local terrorists in their area. This video really showed me the extent that many drug gangs will go to, just to prove a point. My heart goes out to the families of the murdered.

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