Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FREE] Time Flies

Damn, I cannot believe how fast time has went by. It seems like last month we were all freshman and now we have one more year left. When I was younger, I would always view high school kids to be so grown and intimidating. Now I am a Senior in high school, I still can't believe it. What I would give to relive my life as a child, when things were so much simpler. It's crazy to think about how much responsibility one has to deal with when they become of age. Friends, some that I have known for years on end, are going off to college soon. I regret not reaching my full potential academically during freshman and sophomore year, or else I would also be on my way to a good school. Instead, I am forced to go to a community college and transfer. People say that the first two years in college is the best experience, too bad I'ma spend my first two years working my ass off, juggling school and work at the same time.

Its overwhelming to think about that once we graduate, life as we know it will change dramatically. Some of us will probably never see each other again, and go on our own path. It truly is a bittersweet moment when one graduates high school. Some will go off to different states, different regions within a state, and probably even different countries. It is time that we realize that we are adults and we will be on our own after high school. No one will take the time to baby us anymore, we have to make decisions for ourselves, and put ourselves on the path to success. If you're like me, and not sure of your future, don't worry, everything will work out fine. To those who are attending a 4-year college within California, good job guys, I'm proud of you all. To those who are going out of California or even out of the country, good luck, I truly envy you guys, Im sure that all of you will have a great experience. Now that we discussed life after graduation, LETS ENJOY SENIOR YEAR! Its our last year at this school, our last chance to make life long connections, our last chance to make memorable high school memories, and most importantly, our last chance to bring unity to the class of 2012. I wish the best luck for all!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you: it's important for us to make the most of this year. We won't be seeing much of each other after this year, and from what i can tell, most high school relationships don't last. Sad, but true.
