Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE] Joseph's Neighborhood

"Althought so many fail to see it, Oakland actually has an artistic side rich with culture and soul."

This quote was stated by Joseph in his recent blog post. He describes his own emotional attachment  towards the city of Oakland, regardless of what many people view it as. I have to say, I really thought that his post truly came from the heart. Although Oakland is notorious for its high homicide rates and gang violence, Joseph paints us a picture of his own personal image of his home. Apart from the violence that goes on within the streets of Oakland, he realized that Oakland, in its own way, is a beautiful place. I do believe that many people incorporate Oakland with nothing but crimes and gang violence, without realizing that Oakland actually is a city with a long history.

It truly is a shame that many people, even kids that havent reached adulthood, lose their lives trying to survie in the struggle. Joseph's blog really made me think about the number of lives lost in Oakland every year, how much wasted talents there are in the streets of Oakland. Many people are quick to judge the residents of Oakland, just because they are from a  "ghetto" neighborhood, without knowing what they have to see on a daily basis. Having to always keep your guard up and always live with a fear of getting hurt, maybe even shot by a stray bullet. Despite the struggles and hardships that comes with living in Oakland, Joseph still considers the positives and the beautiful aspects of living in Oakland. It is true that the media often associates murder with Oakland on a regular basis, which results in a never ending series of bad images towards the town. I hope that with time, Oakland can achieve the positive reputation that they deserve.

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