Thursday, September 15, 2011

[RE] Alison's "Swept Away" post.

"An ordinary day for one person may be a tragic one for another. As we live our lives, we don't think about the people that are suffering around the world, or the ones dying every second."

This quote was stated by Alison in her recent blog post. She expresses her feelings towards the people that were effected by the recent tragedies that had struck Japan 6 months ago. I have to agree with her thoughts on this situation. Many people go on living their lives being selfish and stuck-up, without knowing how much they are taking for granted. Imagine people you live next to, your friends, your family, all being swept away in the matter of hours. I don't know how I could possibly deal with my home town being completely destroyed, along with the people that lived in my own community. I can't begin to imagine the amount of emotional strain that these people must be going through on a daily basis. 

While one is having the time of their lives, another is meeting their demise, how ironic is that? Life is just hard to predict in general, anything can happen, at any moment. In the video, a man walked the shoreline, everyday, for 6 straight months, all in hopes to find his wife of 40 years. I cannot imagine how hurt this man is, and yet he still had the strength to keep a straight face in front of the camera. It really moved me when the man said "I will never quit looking for her, it doesn't matter whether I find something or not, it is my duty." Wow... if that isn't love then I don't know what love is. It is obvious that she was a great woman, although her own life was at risk, she still spent the time to help other escape the disaster. I hope that she is in a better place, if not I hope that his man somehow is reunited with her. A large number of lives, changed in a matter of hours. My love and support go out to the people of Japan.

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