Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[FREE] Future

So, throughout the last couple of years, I have been listening about people's ambitions and what they want to do with their lives when they are older. Whether they want to be become a doctor, a lawyer, a pediatrician, or any other career path that they want to pursue. It actually makes me disappointed in a sense, because I have no idea what my ambitions are or what path in life to follow after I graduate high school. Not to say that I'm completely clueless, but thinking about the future is definitely not my cup of tea. I actually have several options in mind, but I have not yet been dedicated enough to pick a plan and stick with it.

I was thinking about going straight to a 4-year college, like SJSU, but honestly money is always an issue. I dont know how I can come up with the money for dorms, food, and just living in general. Another option that I had was enrolling into a community college, while trying to keep a job on the side, but that is easier said than done. If I decide that I want to just get away from everything and see the outside world, I was thinking about joining the navy and hopefully I will be stationed somewhere on the other side of the world. I am mind blown at the fact that we are all almost adults. To be honest, I still feel like a kid inside and I wonder if I can make adult decisions that will effect the rest of my life. I guess its time to man up, I cannot kick back and live like I have no responsibilities. I need to just try my best and hope for the best.

1 comment:

  1. i hate thinking about the future. I feel so immature sometimes, how the hell am i supposed to live on my own?!
